She tells me, "Do you want to die, buddy? So my answer to could the neighbor have done it, has to be yes. By Dennis Romero. My 5 are all indoors now that the area has built up & theres lots of traffic it gets a bit crowded but its worth it to keep them safe. They will probably warn him. Don't be so ridiculous. Or they might put down poison. Taking proactive steps, like educating your neighbors about community cats and Trap-Neuter-Return, can be helpful in avoiding complaints and violent threats. Guess who the REAL bully is wherever you live. However, you have to be prepared for potential. Press J to jump to the feed. In the end we gave in, gave up the home that we had bought and paid for and moved away to where we are now where people seem more inclined to live and let live, and thankfully weve never had any troubles over the boys we have now going out and about. I just dont like them using my garden beds as toilets, stalking native birds that are attracted by the scrap seed my chickens toss around and killing them. Depending on how and where the incident took place, the owner of the cat may be able to seek legal action against you. My cat gets out a lot. Or keep them inside. Photo of cat by Michael. ahh ok, cheers for the clarafication. There are some evil poeople out there. Summary: Castiel drops the reader into 1984 to protect her from an angel who wants to kill her. There are no winners. If not, the neighbor is blowing smoke. The dog was fighting another dog and the cat ended up in the middle of it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Even when a neighbor puts up barbed-wire to let you know that they will not tolerate what you value in life destroying what they value in life you still somehow manage to blame everyone else but yourselves. Clifton Anthony Bliss Jr., 58, was . :)" 16: "If. The neighbor went from being friendly to upset in a hurry. My neighbour threatened to kill my cat. 2023 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. Registered in England. She escalated to saying, "I will trap him and take him in if I see him again." He already has a felony charge for threatening to kill police last fall, they know he's crazy, the apartment complex we both live in know he's crazy. Am I right in thinking those cat hater neighbours were anti social in other ways too Ruth? Despite the fact that the number of domestic cats and dogs in America has doubled since the 1970s, the number Best Friends Animal Society reported a 44.5% drop between 2019 and 2020 of euthanized shelter cats and dogs from 625,000 Somebody asked the question whether animal shelters can refuse animals. Soaking it with a hosepipe is hardly the same as murdering it. And you are claiming that you dont even respect your neighbors enough that they have the perfect RIGHT to put up a bird-feeder anywhere they so desire on their OWN property? I'd call them up and ask them about the legalities of all this, then talk to your neighbour. But it did! If your cat is irritating your neighbor either the neighbor hates/dislikes cats and/or your cat is roaming around his garden irritating a fairly normal person. I am glad I didn't mention anything about the cat murder. The rest of the world is onto your sad and sorry self-victimization manipulation tactics to try to control everyone around you. What makes life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one." If you were threatened you should file a complaint with the local police and let them follow up. An easy way for someone (say your neighbor) to harm your dog is by baiting them with poison. Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. So neighbor as a potential cause has to be in there, along with cancer, organ failure, bacterial infection, mycotic swamp cancer and mites and viruses and all of the many things that can make a body ill. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I told her I have a legal right to live here as much as anyone else. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I read an article once saying how badly cats have hurt bird populations. I was bitten by a dog in my own yard when I was five. All rights reserved. All you can do is either build a contained area in your yard for your cats. Not a very nice comment at all. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. Well Ive got news for you, YOU are exactly that with knobs on! There is now an abundance of upper space. You should absolutely report him. What kind of psycho would hurt an animal like that? Consider this your one, and only one warning. But these two entities are at each other's throats. MF date: Dec [STRIKE]2028[/STRIKE] 2019. The Tears Flowed on Reunion of Cat Rescued from California Mudslide and Owner, There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. Its so simple, so clear, to everyone else who isnt blinded by their cats. If you're making "mistakes" in letting him out to roam more often than once a month, get your act together. My article is saying what I think you are saying that people should be responsible cat caretakers, yet you seem to be criticising me. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. Is it impossible to build a fence around your yard to keep the cat out? She told me she will spray him with a water bottle or hose if she sees him in her yard. Saying he is a very impulsive person, He is very likely to just curse around when seeing something like this, confronting him with that, will most likely not come over like a real excuse, but rather like criticism and no matter if he really would go to do any harm to your cat or not, that would just make the tension between you and him worse. It may be too expensive even if it is possible. Be extremely careful not to get bitten or scratched, especially if you are trapping stray or feral cats, because they may carry rabies and other diseases. My personal view on difficult, insensitive neighbours is to move home away from them. Cookie Notice The op should definitely report him. Archived post. If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. The objective I think is that you have to prevent your cats going on to his property. There is no easy solution of your neighbor wont act responsibly. I cannot abide whingers who moan abt cats in their gardens.These ppl are clealy ignorant of how a cat lives. Still others chose to poison pets for the heck of. I was sure that you were talking about people who own cats and insist they have the right to roam anywhere and destroy everyone elses lives and property. I also leash him now when he goes out for the most part. Afterwards, he decided to speak with the police about the incident. This particular neighbor never liked the cat because the cat would get in her yard and allegedly kill the birds at her bird feeder. Resolving the Problem Directly with Your Neighbor The best option for addressing a constantly barking or dangerous dog, a loud rooster crowing at the break of dawn, or a cat repeatedly sneaking into your house, is to talk to the neighbor responsible for the offending animal in a non-confrontational manner. Come closer and find out." For instance, a California statute says that people have the right to kill any animals "known as dangerous to life, limb, or property" (Cal. If your cat is on her property, it may be fair game. I've considered this carefully in the past; I'd write a note to each of the neighbours advising them collectively to beware of letting any pet stray since your own cat has been threatened. Why? 1. It won't just be cats effected but birds and foxes and badgers. Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats. Here's an article with some more information. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Also it is important to try and keep on good terms with your neighbors. Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? Also, a person who threatens a peace officer, elected official or who threatens a large group of people may face enhanced charges. Your cat should be prevented from going onto your neighbors property if he strongly dislikes it. Our cats had never bothered them, like we have here we had an earth patch dug in our own garden for the cats to use. Is there any other diligence or precautions I need to take? Therefore in the USA you should call the police if you want to deal with the matter in that way. It sucks ass, but if that is what you have to do to stop your psycho neighbour shooting her, it may be the only option you have besides moving. Please don.t let him get away with this. If you want to keep your cats safe from this sicko neighbor then the cats have to kept inside. A caption explains that the neighbor, who is shouting insults and threats from the front porch, is angry because they've changed the Wifi password, meaning the neighbor can no longer steal it. Your stuff is so fun and I am really enjoying it! It is her/his responsibility to keep her cats confined if her neighbor (you) requests it, in my view. She mostly blamed my ex for the cat. You explicitly show AND prove to the whole world that you had and have ZERO respect for your neighbors lives. This cannot be the first instance of a cat killing a bird in your neighbourhood - it was probably just the public nature of it that freaked some of the neighbours out. Further to that point, if something happens to my cat I will look to you first. He does still bum rush the door and I can't do much about that other than let him tire himself out and come back in. Maybe a fence would deter him? But below I recommend an alternative way to deal with the matter which may help to keep on reasonable terms with your neighbour if this is possible. Sorry, YOU are a a deceptive a manipulative LIAR. How is an ETF fee calculated in a trade that ends in less than a year? My Neighbor Threatened to Kill My Cat? Thanks Marc, it was horrible beyond words, he was an older married man who got her pregnant at 15 and they quickly bred 4 sons who could do no wrong in their eyes. @Catsunami, I understood that he spoke from behind the fence, not seeing you and not knowing you were there (maybe. If the cat entered your private property, and that is where you dog killed it, it is unlikely the owner would be able to sue you. They wanted to own the house next to theirs, and eventually did after driving out the subsequent owners. Step 1: Conciliation No matter how doomed it might seem, start with the charm offensive. If the threats have escalated into actions that have harmed a cat you care for, contact your local authorities to report the crime and see our information on what to do if cats you care for have been harmed or killed. So just hand in an apology mentioning that you do your best to not bother him and are sorry for this happening. Neighbors often poison pets in order to quiet a noisy dog or stop a cat from digging up the rose garden or stalking the birds. If not the neighbors fault, then the traffics fault, or a stray spreading feline AIDS to your own cat which has more right to roam, etc., etc.. Oh, were you talking about the people that kept their dog/pet in their own yard? My only advice to anyone in the same position would be to do as we did and move, if at all possible! Ok it turns out my cat has been peeing in my neighbours garden in an area where he has stones rather than mud. Simply astounding. How can I convince my neighbour to stop feeding my cat (I've already asked twice)? YOU are responsible for your cat at all times- -period. Even if they will never come around, you are better off knowing exactly what the neighbor's problem is.. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Or in both cases, if and when your cat goes out, supervise the trip or put your cat on a leash. I surmise they only moved their bird-feeders to where the barbed-wire was to protect their animals from having witnessed many such cat-attacks in the past. You have to exist with other people in a society, and respect of one's property goes a long way in that regard. Just because they are cats, does not mean its OK to let them do whatever they want. Realizing i had made a mistake thinking i could talk the matter through I left. Thinking back to that time still makes both of us feel really stressed, it was a nightmare. Archived post. (Edit) Like many pet owners, I've been in a similar situation (just with dogs). Thats downright nasty. It's not easy to domesticate a wild cat. But I'd like to reach an understanding here. No one wants to do anything constructive and everybody loses in the end. Whether he means it or how much he means it, the only way your cat can be safe is to keep him in. Editor, Marcus Herbert. Guess what? All Rights Reserved. Neighbor unhappy with the fact I asked his kids to return our toys. Are there dog haters like Woody cat hater, who hate all dogs and their owners too I wonder? Is there a way to prevent the cat from getting out in the first place? What he saw, however, was somehow . I used to have an indoor/outdoor cat that belonged to my ex-wife and when she left, the cat left as well. We don't let it out on purpose, but it's a sneaky little thing. Is there anyone I can contact that goes after animal abusers, I am devastated by what he did to this poor cat, this person is obviously a psychopath! Report him to the police. Idk, it works on some cats but not all. Press J to jump to the feed. I am struggling with this very thing as we speak. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Those people probably knew the thing to drive us out was to target our cats. Its a bit like the Israel versus Gaza war that is going on at the moment. Like I think if he had a gun he would have shot my cat yesterday. My neighbor threatened to kill my cats. Werent you? Feel free to rollback or edit if you think I got you wrong. It is against our bylaw to have cats roaming, but like I said I never knew the cat was leaving the yard. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Can you request in your will that your companion animal must be killed on your death? Winograd hates PETA. I think he would have a difficult time proving the suit, and if he had damages to show, I don't know exactly how far he could stretch a Small Claims suit. However, it would obviously be a crime to hurt or kill your cat in all countries in the West. Don't name names, but include your neighbour in the distribution. I am pretty sure that the neighbor is justified in relaying the information to you in hopes that you take the proper measures to ensure the cat doesn't go on his/her property again. Who started this whole mess? cas . Neighbor disputes are the worst kind. The victim fired a single shot at the dog killing it, as it charged toward him, teeth exposed. Further research tells me that in June 2005, she killed two of her neighbor's cats by mixing the rodent poison, d-Con, into a can of cat food and dolloping it out in the yard. In Britain the answer might be: if you have a garden of sufficient size, build a cat enclose. Nobody puts up with that last-century game anymore. A. My insistence on personal apology/communication is based on two observations: first, it carries much more weight, and second (which is related in fact) is that people behave more civil in personal interactions. "Life is difficult. Diffuse cat tension with your neighbour To reach a solution with your neighbour, communication and understanding is key to avoid taking the matter down a more serious and legal route. One of them gave birth else where and brought the kittens to us now after 2 months now they are playing among themselves in my neighbors yard in which they dont mind as they are not hurting anything and the jerk next door to them starts spitting at them and mind you in the past this guy even though I have no proof but know in my heart it was them poisened serveral kittens on me he is just a hater!!!! Ultimately, your cat's safety comes first. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's not a malicious or even intentional type of aggression. First let me say i am not a cat person but i dont hate them. My evil neighbor says crap like they kill the native birds in her yard, doesn't want on her property etc. Nail on the head there. Another neighbor was put on notice. Summary: One where Sam never wanted to be a lawyer . You obviously didnt read that our cats NEVER bothered our neighbours, they had their own earth closet in our/their OWN garden, they didnt even go in next doors garden. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Shooting at cats is another nasty pastime for some people. You may discover that he is already aware of the problem and has signed up for obedience . The majority of the message will be along the lines of "so sorry won't happen again etc". Posted on Aug 19, 2016. If YOUR cats get harmed, thats EVERYONE ELSES FAULT. You don't threaten me or my animal and not expect consequences. Well I think it's my cats right to be free and roam, is it legal for her to shoot my cat if it's in her yard? Any advice on what to do? Privacy Policy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you approach your neighbor with fire in your eyes, he will go on the defensive. Prompt: "41 and 16 with Dean and sister reader? I don't know if I should just apologize and leave it at that, or mention that in the future I'd appreciate that he let me know there is a problem first before acting on his impulse? He said that an intruder had entered. You are right Ruth, the woman who bought our house first had 2 little dogs and was sure she could handle those rotten neighbours, but they didnt like her dogs yapping, oh it was OK for their dog with its loud bark to make as much noise as it wanted to of course. In America, the answer might be: keep your cat inside as a lot of cat owners do. The common denominator is the owner who has consistently overfed his/her cats who look like siblings. The dog came from 4 houses away and my cat (who was resting in my flower bed on my property) tried to run away as best he can, but he's 20 years old. I'm telling you now that if you say anything like that again, I will involve the law. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Only Dark Triad personality types tend to . So much so that you knew your cats were going to eventually get harmed from YOUR irresponsible behavior that it even made you move to a new residence. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? They take him to the pound or shelter where his lifespan might be only a matter minutes. No I was talking about people who refuse to live and let live,who allow their kids to run wild,cheek adults and chuck rubbish around and own dogs that mess all over and bark constantly. This is because the cat is considered a chattel or a possession, no different to any other item possessed by a person. We lost a lot of money on our house having to almost give it away to be rid of it, we still heard from time to time the misery those people were inflicting on their neighbours. Spay and neuter your cats. That is more of less how I visualise him . Penal Code 599c). The cat was ultimately killed by the dogs, and as could be expected, the cat's owner was not pleased. My question is can I lie to him to get a confession and more evidence? Be less worried about the person who confronts you than the ones that never say a word. . @Zeus, I needed the card for two reasons: (1) If he wasn't home, I wasn't going to loiter and wait for him to come back, the card was going to serve as a message vessel, (2) because I find card apologies to be more thought through and polite. It may be impossible to achieve but entering into a dialogue with him about how best to deal with the matter may get him to work with you rather than against you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Are you being a good neighbor by respecting his property-rights and trying everything to resolve the issue? Your neighbor should not be cursing at you or threatening the life of your dog. Thanks everyone, i will speak to the SSPCA tomorrow and see what they recomment with the police etc. I'm not sure why you think I was going to use the mail service instead of going next door. The only thing those people valued was to be able to bully the neighbourhood, probably a bit like yourself which is why you are able to understand their sick mindset. See our information on what to do if neighbors complain. They had no cause to hate us or our cats, at the time we had 2 x 9 year old quiet neutered cats who never went from our own garden unless into the field beyond. On several occasions, our neighbor has startled . To shoot a neighbors cat is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in prison , and both domestic and feral cats are protected by the animal welfare act of 2006. In that scenario, as long as you did not encourage your dog to attack the cat, it is not your fault. So YOU think its OK to try to entice cats to a bird feeder deliberately put there to cut themselves to shreds on barbed wire, do you? 1. The day we moved they took down the barbed wire! But I am not going to ask for any more details, I heard all that I needed yesterday.Yesterday was a personal interaction (he was talking to a human wasn't he?) Alley Cat Allies has protected and improved the lives of cats for 32 years. Your cats were always under your control and supervision 24/7, right? @DavidK, I'm in Canada. Resist the temptation to rationalize, excuse, justify, or minimize animal cruelty. Harming animals with a sense of elation is a huge red flag personality indicator. 6 attorney answers. If one of my neighbours told me they was putting down a deliberate poison because of my cat I would report it to the police and the RSPCA. Maintain and control them like a responsible pet-owner, or relinquish that duty - its that simple. Her husband threatened to report me for animal abuse. Being not only worried sick about our own cats but the other cats in the neighbourhood too we felt we had no choice but to move house quickly. One of the first double murders of parents by their child in the U. S. involved 11-year-old Wesley Elkins in Iowa. The cat was panicking or was having a seizure and the dog got stressed because of it. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Collect Evidence & Try to Force Your Neighbor to Move. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. We endured loud drumming music day and night, the street blocked off with the yobs and their pals vehicles, rubbish thrown into our garden, footballs bounced off our car and dont even ask about New Years Eve, that was so bad we had to take our cats and go elsewhere overnight. 61. No sooner than he hopped out, she comes out. I have cats and I am in the process of dealing with new neighbours who dislike cats even when our cats are sat on our own drive he comes out and tries to kick them. My boyfriend and I like to walk our cats out like dogs on leashes. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Okay!? A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. This is not likely going to amount to a legal matter until it's all escalated much too far, and your cat is at the most serious risk if things do escalate further. Also, it is more socially responsible to pick up feces if he defecates in a public place, although I understand the difficulties of doing that. We had to call the police on my neighbors over their loose vicious dogs. You may be able, for example, to build a cat proof fence. Please, if it bothers you, I will make sure it won't happen again." What I hope to achieve is getting him not to kill my animals and perhaps act a bit more reasonably if he sees a cat in his yard (talk to me first without death threats through the fence?). Right? Many people accept it and like it. Like I say.pure ignorance. You did the only thing you could do which is move. and he wasn't very civil. I just read this whole thing from start to finish, comments and all. Finally, Wisconsin has an interesting statute that prohibits "the killing or aiding in killing or wounding by use of deadly weapon of any animal that is tied, staked out, caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless of size." WI ST 951.09 . British citizens and citizens of other countries may have recognised the latest developments in the woke movement. How do I properly apologize to a good friend and let them know that I did not actually want them to move to another city? The best of luck, Mick. I got him home from the vet a month ago or so. Unless it's just your pet cat. If you want to read more click here. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. Its ALWAYS something or someone elses fault. There are some horrible people in this world. Keep your cat indoors. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. And you end up with a hostile neighbor which is not good for long term health, welfare and ambience. Sounds like a complete bully to me, threatening that it would be a shame if your cat died. While I would never shoot or threaten to shoot someone's pet, I really hate it when they let them crap in my yard and not pick up after them. Woody hates cats and cat lovers so much he didnt even bother to wonder why we were so traumatised by those people and I think he is one of the very same ilk who bullies his way through life and tries to convince others that he is always right. Did the neighbor do it is a different matter entirely. This applies even if the gun is unloaded and no physical contact occurs. I'm not defending your neighbor here, but have you put yourself in his shoes? Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense. Our late mother was in a wheelchair after becoming disabled and a neighbours dog jumped at her and tore the skin of her arm, her own cats caused her no harm at all. If your neighbor's behavior is exceptionally irritating but isn't life-threatening, you may want to collect evidence and contact authorities (local precinct, cops . People sometimes trap a domestic cat on the premise that the cat is a stray. The neighbor can be fined for non-compliance and probably won't appreciate your interference. I dont understand the concept of calling my pet a family member and then letting it wander all over creation where just natural dangers can take its life of cause great injury or illness not even taking into account the sick animal haters who will dispose of your pet without a second thought. But part of me (a bitter part?) And why does no one complain about dog owners who let their dogs roam? They shouldnt be allowed to procreate. December 25, 2022 | 7:34pm. Second, your neighbor could be charged for intentionally killing a domestic animal under Minnesota Statutes 343.21. Fine, whatever it's a little water I said as bit of a joke, "Sure he probably deserves it, he can be a pain in the ass." There is no place on PoC for unjustified insults. According to Michigan's Large Carnivore Act, 287.1111, a person is permitted to kill a large carnivore if the person sees a large carnivore chasing, attacking, injuring, or killing a person, livestock, or poultry. @yetanothercoder, I talked to him yesterday (brought the card). You need to get help for yourself, quickly. That simple-to-understand comment is only incomprehensible to you because you too have that blind-spot. Your email address will not be published. Collect all the gun powder in a small dish.
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