Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Thanks mate, it's been a pleasure having you as my student. (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! - You said boys don't cry. Mr. Grouse: >to audience< I think this will be a start of a new chapter for me! - What if I did go further? Ms. Merdich: Well, I thought maybe I could give them a jumpstart on their future career one day as a future game programmer and designer. CLYDE: Well, I know what I'm doing. (Everyone raised their hands as they were all done with the next step). - Lincoln answered - She attacks me for no reason. Ms. Merdich: Ever since I was a little girl, I've had a passion for videogames, since then, I've learned to make my own game, it took me at least three weeks to make my game and for the first time, I made great progress with my game, and today, I want to see your own game, and I want to be impressed >inserts the flash driver onto the computer< here is my own game that I've created! Now as they still live in the Loud House, they find their food sources limiting but luck turns to them and with the help of Lucy, invites them to a secret vampire cafe. "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" were introduced to me by a friend of mine, and I really love both of them. 393 (1857), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that held the U.S. Constitution did not extend American citizenship to people of black African descent, and thus they could not enjoy the rights and privileges the Constitution conferred upon American citizens. MBB305839 - I can use the one you sent me on the 21st and 27th. (Once Ms. Merdich passed the tests to the students, Lincoln was thrilled that he got an "A" on his test and has a smiley face on it), (Once Chandler got his test back, he got a "D-" and a comment saying, "Do better next time"). Ms. Merdich: >kneels down to Lincoln's size to assure him< No worries mate, you can tell the rest of the class about it tomorrow, turn on your thinking caps and then you can tell me the next day, >gives Lincoln a Flash Driver< here you go mate. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The day bad luck became good luck. Clyde: I could help, but you know that we haven't learned about programming just yet. - Luna commented annoyed, - Thank you, Luna! Lincoln: Ladies and gentlemen of Mr. Bolhofner's class, I present to you, the game that I've been constructing three weeks ago, and I've couldn't have done this without my friends Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Stella, my neighbor Mr. Grouse, and my big sisters Luna and Lori who is at college, and i give them thanks for my support, and now ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show the game that I've been working on that was suggested my my sister Luna, I originally want to work on Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. - Lincoln revealed to wear a pair of googles - Do tomboys cry? 3-4. (Charles whimpered, as he went to get some food for his dog bowl, Lincoln was about to dig in until Lori swiped it from him). Rita: We've always planned to have a big family. Riley: Ms. Merdich, do you think I have what it takes to be a future game designer and programmer? What's her name? Lori: You should know, I did a solo Godzilla game during my first year at middle school. Lola: Thank you, >hug him< you are the best brother ever. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Lynn Jr. that is enough teasing and name calling, you have one brother who looks up to you, be nice. Lincoln: No, it's not Lynn this time, the Hof is off for a few months and left us with a new substitute teacher in charge, she's super nice and comes from Australia. In this robot chicken fanfic sketch, Lincoln Loud dies and meets Gregg the grim reaper from Conker's Bad Fur Day and the video game's remake Conker: Live and Reloaded. Lynn Sr.: >to Lori< You know what, you're right honey, it's time you should be getting on the road, just, have a good time kiddo. (It then cuts to another camera where it points to). Chapter 1: The path of darkness. They made brofist for good luck and entered their house. - Lola explained. Its nice to see some justification for Lincoln. - Lincoln asked, - I do. TLHfanficReader21 - Some parts might be a bit dark. Liam: I'm hoping you'll be getting a good grade. Chapter 1. (The game pulls up and the intro fires up, it was called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked", Lincoln and the rest of the class were amazed with it as they all looked excited, they couldn't wait to make their own game, the game stopped and Ms. Merdich removed the flash drive from the computer). - Your face is the least damaged, so don't complain. (Lincoln and Stella high fived each other, it later cuts back to the classroom where Lincoln and his classmates have completed their history tests). Principal Ramirez: >to Mr. Bolhofner< Enough, the only person who fires teachers is me, so step aside and let me deal with Ms. Merdich if you please. Lincoln: I forgot to place in the abilities on my characters, I didn't have time to do them. Hope you don't mind that I sleep with you. Lori: Okay Lincoln, let's try to get those pieced together, to do this, we need to match them together. "See don't dwell on the fact of him retiring, embrace on the good times," Lori said. Ms. Merdich: Next, we move on to the next step, genre, you need to describe what game is it, for example, the Crash Bandicoot games are a platformer series, while some do have racing and party at times, others like Call Of Duty and FortNite are shooter games, you need to add in a genre, they are worth about sixty percent of your grade. Rob: >Squawk< little Shelia, little Shelia! Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. Lincoln: Yes, I need to think about how to get him off and on the ground though. Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. She was confused and bit scaried what Lincoln used to push her, making her fall. Carmen De La Antchez and her husband Paco run a restaurant in the town called Carmen's Cocina. Clyde: Are we going to have another boring typical day? After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, clapping her hands< Wow Lincoln, I see you did a fine job, I'm such a big sucker for Godzilla and Gamera. - I don't have your strength, so I depend on my brain. Rob Paulson: >squawk< Due next Friday, due next Friday! - And you did nothing? Lincoln pulled a cord and a line of cannons blasted out confetti, delighting the audience. Lincoln: I want to try and cook something for both of us. Lincoln: Just think you guys, I bet I could make the best game ever. Lucy: >to Luan< Luan, that joke doesn't even make any sense at all! Lori: I'll have one Monster Burper, and one cheese burger, hold the Mayo, the Mustard and the Pickles. (The Viruses began to laugh at Lincoln and begin to torture him by zapping him multiple times, they continued to harass him until they turned him into a virus). I don't want you to suffer this. (Ms. Merdich and Rob Paulson left the classroom, the class was really upset that they are going to be stuck with Mr. Bolhofner). - Lynn asked angry - Did you intend to do anything? Stella: Yeah, I can tell, he's one of those flying monsters right? Leni: It's okay baby bro, at least I was here to rescue you, >confused< Wait, what's a computer virus? My fifth fanfiction, Feedback is appreciated. Boy student one: I'm going to make an A.R.G.G.H. Lynn: Yo Linc, why do you look down in the dumps? "I got some news I heard this morning, that could affect you," Lori said. Back on earth, at the beach, after the events of "No Such Luck", Lincoln snuck away from his family to get a drink, but he passed out from heatstroke and dehydration before he can cool off and quench his thirst thanks to the squirrel costume he wore. Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. (Lincoln then grabs his Ace Savvy comics and reads a few of them before going to bed, three days later, at his new classroom, Lincoln and the other class mates were waiting for thier new substitute). - Lynn commented - I perfectly know what I'm talking about. (It later cuts to Lincoln as he has brought his laptop over to Mr. Grouse's, he taught Lincoln how to program his game, Lincoln types in the address to the programming site and added it to the file, Mr. Grouse even teaches Lincoln about programming the main menu and options and he also learned about how to test the games codes for gameplay, the more he worked on, the better he's gotten, it took him all afternoon to get the programming correct, and after all the experience he's gotten from Mr. Grouse teaching him, his game is now completed, but first, he and Clyde decided to test the game to make sure it runs good, once they got his game tested, it was working properly, Lincoln and Clyde high fived each other, it then cuts to sundown with Lynn Sr. holding a tray of Lasagna). - I hope you've got your lesson that you shouldn't abuse me and others weaker than you. (Lincoln's class got the math text books and started turning the page, Mr. Grouse turns to the audience). Rita: Whoa whoa whoa kids, settle down, one at a time! Lincoln: I don't know, I guess I was dreaming. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade. Check, Jeans? Lincoln: (to viewer) Being Luan's assistant is pretty fun. Chandler: So, who will be our substitute teacher? My fifty-fifth fanfiction. Ms. Merdich: So keep on playing guys, I'll see you next time, good luck on your future! Ms. Merdich: Let's try adding first, and then we subtract and later multiply, does anyone know how to add ten and fourteen? Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. She kept punching and kicking him like a training mannequin. - said Lincoln with tears in eyes - I am very sorry for what I did but you brought this on yourself. - Lincoln said enjoying being rubbed by Luna. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< So son, how is your project getting along? I think I have an itchy trigger finger that needs to be fixed. Goodnight. Fanfiction Warning: This story contains content not suitable for children. Lori: Guys, don't get carried away, I know you guys needed a hug from me, but I don't have time for this, plus, we don't need to make this story over-sappy. (Lincoln looked and noticed that there is a "Monster Burper" that he wanted to try out), (Lincoln nods his head, Lori then rolls her eyes). She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. (The sisters and Lynn Sr. were funning up to them like a pack of wolves, but Lori had to make a loud whistle, then they all stopped like a tire screeching). (It cuts to the hallway where he eventually meets up with Lynn who notices that he is in a sad mood). (Lincoln went to the bathroom and got himself showered, he then went into his room and got himself dressed up in a Hawaiian t-shirt and brown cargo shorts, he then wears his flip flops so that way he wouldn't need to tie his shoes, he than goes downstairs and noticed a bag from McGarfeild's, the note says >"Linky, I've bought us breakfast so that Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Lori: How come I didn't notice? I can help download that for you, I've downloaded media fire all the time to listen to music. Mr. Grouse: So let me get this straight, you want me to help you boys with programming a game for a school project? This is Fanfiction #7. Credit goes to Harburton81 and Lokibaker for dialogue support. Principal Ramirez: Not quite, >to Mr. Bolhofner< Mr. Bolhofner, you are hearby suspended for the remainder of the semester until you get your act together and your problems solved. So I am coming home for the weekend, Luna says she got band practice for the weekend so she can play for the talent show so she won't be able to help you, and I did tell Mom that I was coming home to get you and help you with your project, oh and I did tell Mom to take our dad and siblings over to Aunt Ruth's for the weekend as well because you know how Dad is with me coming back home, and it's total chaos with so many sisters climbing up to me. (Lincoln then gulped as he was transported to the same class with the Bolhofner virus as his teacher, with an announcement). We all pitched in this together. - It will be better. (Lincoln hugged Lola back and they both went to sleep, the next day, the class were waiting patiently for Ms. Merdich to arrive, but she came in about five minutes later). Lori: WellLuna said you got a project to do right? Lincoln: >to Mr. Grouse, annoyed< Really? (As promised, Lincoln drew the Godzilla head in a movie accurate design, then he drew the jaw separately, when he got done, he shows it to Lori). -No, no! - Don't come any closer, monster! Luan: Yeah, none of us did better then her, so it was "Game Over" for us >giggles< get it? Both were fun, solid shows. (Cuts to a flashback with Mr. Bolhofner scolding Lincoln for being late). Ms. Merdich: Okay class, for those who are done with animations, I would like for you to write a letter for Mr. Bolhofner and tell him how wonderful it was to have me for a substitute teacher. Leni: Oh, that's totes fun, I hope you will be as good as Lori, though I still miss her. Lincoln: Okay. (She then writes his name in the disipline list, Chandler was then grumbling with his arms crossed, but in no time, she heard his grumbling and checked his name only once). (Then, a hotdog was thrown at by Lincoln, the hotdog was thrown by Chandler and his friends, then a whistle was blown from his ear, it was Lynn blowing in his ear). After she defeated him, tears appeared in his eyes. Lori: Well, I think we should get some Macaroni and Spinach pizza with Brussel sprouts. - said Lana walking angry - I can't stand her anymore. Clyde: So, what's your homework assignment now? The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. - We won't be victims anymore. Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Lincoln: Thanks Ms. Merdich, see you tomorrow! (Cuts back to another flashback where Lincoln was trying to take a seat until Chandler places a whoopie cushion on the seat of his desk until a loud fart explodes from the whoopie cushion, Mr. Bolhofner is extremely annoyed with it and turns around). Clyde: I'm rooting for you buddy, you got the flash drive? Lincoln: I got to do some backgrounds for levels, sounds for the characters, and I got to add music. Lincoln: Laides and gentlemen, I give you: >shows flash drive of his fan-made game for a school project< "Godzilla: King of the monsters" the fan-made videogame made by yours truley. Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. Ms. Merdich: And that is how the ancient Egyptians make their pyramids, but the missing Sphinx nose still remains a mystery to this day, >closes history book< alright now class, now for today, I'm going to give you each a flash driver, now when you want to make a game, you need to come up with a good title, genre, story, gameplay, animation, music, background and character, making a videogame is not easy, and that's where I come in, now before you get started, does anybody have an idea on what game they should make? Lincoln: Yeah, I wish she was promoted to a middle school teacher, so I can have her again. Luan: Nothing is quite a "sub" for substitue if you ask me >hahahahahahahaha< get it? That was bullying! - Lincoln explained - I am noheartlessmonster. (Once then he turned on his laptop and scanned his drawings, the drawings where then placed onto his file that was saved on the flash drive, and with that, Lincoln was ready to color his characters, he went to paint 3D to accurately paint his characters parts, it took him until after 12:52 pm and he noticed that it was lunchtime). (They then go to the driver window and waited for their order, once their food has arrived, Lori had to pay at least thirty dollars and fourteen cents). WellI guess you'll have to sit with me and my sardine breath at lunch. Digi Stella: We'll hang out some other time! - Lincoln yelled - Are you so blind that you don't see you hurt me? Lori: Get busy, I'll handle this when they get back, you worry about you're project, I'll worry about the family. Zach: >to Lincoln< Aw dang it, I was looking forward to playing against you as N. Tropy, and just so you know, I've beaten all of the time trials and boy it wasn't easy. (All of Lincoln's classmates then went to the new classroom and noticed that it was nice, cool and clean, each of the student's found their seat and the all sat comfortably, then out of no-where a Cockatoo flies in the classroom), Cockatoo: >Squawk< Welcome to class mates, welcome to class mates >squawk<, (Then a young Australian teacher possibly about no more then Twenty-Five pops in the classroom). He chooses to leave. - asked Lincoln cynically. While they were watching this anime, Lincoln started comparing Lynnto Azula, Lana on other hand compared Lola to Azula. I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. "Here's Bun Bun.". Mr. Grouse: Now class, I would like for you to turn to Chapter five on your math text book and we will get started. I won't be like this to you again. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Bonzer, but if you subtract by three, what do you get? Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban, Hey everyone! Lincoln: >to Lynn, annoyed< Ow, Lynn, What was that for?!?! - Lana commented enjoying being rubbed by Luna. - Lana asked. Hey guys, jgodzilla1212 here, and I'm pretty excited to announce that my latest fanfiction is finally here, so far this is my first one to be done during the season five continuity and this is currently my final fanfic of 2020, but don't worry, I'll do more fanfics by the start of the new year which will give me a few new ideas to work on, it wasn't easy, but I apologize for the delay, however, if you are disappointed with the season five premiere "Schooled" then this is the fanfic that will put this episode in a bucket full of rotten chum, so enjoy your reading (I'm sorry for that long delay, I needed time to put in the right words onto this fanfic). Rita: >to Lynn Sr.< Let's not get carried away with this, there is plenty of time for that. Chandler: But why? Stella: Hey Lincoln, what's with the smile! Lincoln: Oh, that's right, now my homework assignment is that I need to do some animations for my characters. Narrators would travel to street corners in Japan and use sets of illustrated boards that they placed in a miniature stage-like device. Back in September, I made a journal asking people what "Loud House" fanfictions they would recommend I read, ones that are free of the infamous and annoying tropes that plague a lot of "Loud House" fanfictions. - We were disguised as an adult and bought it in a pharmacy. - But you trained me to this very well. Ms. Merdich: Now, I see that you have found your assigned seats, that's good on ye, now do you have any questions? Lana, please, don't make same mistakes I did, don't suffer for my recklessness. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Good try Chandler, but umI'm not impressed, so I'll give you a grade on it later. Ms. Merdich: >rolling eyes< Just what we need, another superhero freak, no offense mate, but I'm not that crazy about superheroes. (UPDATE) - Unless you guys have something to actually say about the story or my writing, please stop whining about it just because "its just another No Such Luck fic". Mr. Grouse: >annoyed< I don't care, now get along home boys! Lincoln Loud: I guess so. Lincoln: Wow Lori, you sure are a good cook. theloudhouse # 9 Loud in Amphibia (Book 1) by Dark-user12 1K 24 5 Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. Lynn: Sorry Chump, I need to watch the game, it's the Detroit Pistons vs. the Chicago Bulls, the rival game that I do not want to miss. Luna took tube of the salve and rubbed bruised bodies of all her 4 siblings with it. (Lori checks on the pizza menu on her phone to see what was on the menu, she checked on today's specials, it was on a Friday and she said to Lincoln). Lynn: Not to mention that he was really mean, I don't know why Principal Ramirez would put him in a class with Mr. Bolhofner. "Lincoln please don't cry," Lori said. Outside there is a white haired boy sitting in his pajamas and he was crying by the looks of it. (She pointed to the other pieces of paper that Lincoln was working on). Mr. Bolhofner: >gasps< Principal Ramirez, I can explain on why is that Aussie is making my students create their game and waste their time. I am the one who shall ask you for not hating me. (While the kids continued about their day while at dinner, Lincoln was enjoying his plate of Spaghetti, and was thinking on how to work on Rodan's animation, but for now, he is going to spend the rest of the night eating his dinner, then he went to bed as he wasn't going to work on his project until the next day, at the school cafeteria, Lincoln and his friends were talking about his project). Mr. Grouse: >to Lynn Sr.< You'rewelcome Loud, I'm thankful that your kids helped me learn about computers, if they haven't convienced me to working on a computer to work at the office when they thougt you got fired from your job, I wouldn't have helped your son, he's a fine young man >rubs Lincoln's hair<, I can see his future career as a videogame designer one day. (It then cuts to the living room where Clyde, the nine sisters and parents were at the Loud family computer for the moment of truth). by danielsamuels128 PhantomKnightPercival, Monsterzilla, Iron Emperor 45, Kingshield54, LiamFitz20, braedencarnes22, Isom, Gloyd R. Orangeboar, Titanus, Aartman7141999 - Thank you! Lori: Don't worry, I'll make sure Luna helps you, then you will be on your own with this, first, we'll get him walking, and then some action. Lincoln: >to Ms. Merdich< Thanks Ms. Merdich. - answered Lincoln with a tired tone. - Lincoln asked. Stop blubbering, boys don't cry!". - Wait, I must stop Lana! Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Deserve credit, deserve credit! Luan: >to Lucy< Sorry about that, I'm starting to lose my idea of new jokes recently. Lincoln: I did beat him a couple of times, but due to how the game expended their levels, it gets tougher every second. (Lynn was heartbroken on the inside that without her aggressiveness, she no longer had the instinct to step in and abuse Lincoln for what he said about her because she kept her promise, she sat down by the dining room table in depression, her father just stepped in noticing that something was wrong with Lynn, he sat next to her) We might even see a Four-leaf Clover. Clyde: Why don't we help you at my place? Mr. Bolhofner: >to Lincoln< Well Loud, I'm impressed, you've got guts kid, maybe you do have what it takes to be a future game programmer or desginer one day. Luna: Wow, you are making great progress, are you sure you want to save for tomorrow? "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< That's good on ye mate, I think we are all going to get alone just fine. (Vanzilla pulled up along with Leni, Luna and Luan, Lincoln climbed on and rode shotgun, Taylor and Lincoln waved goodbye to each other, back at The Loud House, Lincoln was getting his hair combed and got his teeth brushed, Lola was concerned and confused by the way Lincoln was getting himself ready) Ms. Merdich: Excellent choice little Shelia. (It then cuts to the last student's game presentation of the Ace Savvy fan game made by Chandler who's desgins of Ace himself are atrocious, he fights one of ace's bad guys and the entire class cringed at the game , once the game was over, Chandler exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the computer, Ms. Merdich was not pleased with his game). I hardly found Trustworthy to be the worst of Yoshi's fics. Back on earth, at the beach, after the events of "No Such Luck", Lincoln snuck away from his family to get a drink, but he passed out from heatstroke and dehydration before he can cool off and quench his thirst thanks to the squirrel costume he wore. Lincoln: Okay, but I don't know which to choose. - Sigh, almost like mud bath. She kept punching and kicking him like a trainingmannequin. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN, We now witness the dreaded Brawl in the Family. (The class was confused as they couldn't figure out the answer). - Lincoln explained.
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