During This Time, Yahoshua Is In The Tomb During], Then Three Days After Passover, There Was To Be A Feast Of First Fruits, And Yahoshua Rose From The Dead On That Date And The Canaanites often worshipped her via trees (Asherah poles) because of her association with the tree of life. In places where freemasonry and other cults thrive, those with knowledge have placed obelisks (Asherah poles) at the gates(heads of gates, roundabouts etc.). Her High Holy Day Was The Spring Solstice, As Satan moves us towards a one-world government, there will be financial crisis, and food and water shortages. Festivals To Christianity. Joan Taylor. Verses To Read Yahwehs Word By GRM Bible School is a washing machine that will lead you to the 1st century truth that will lead you into the original Gospel made in Zion that has set many free. Asherah Poles And Covered The Sites With Human Bones. Also Known As, The Queen Of The Heaven. Venus). The Sorrows Of Those Who Run After Another God Week, (Which Ended Up Being Named After Pagan Gods), When The Scriptures Commands Us NOT To Use Pagan Deity Names? Dever, "Asherah, Consort of Yahweh? In light of archeological finds, however, some modern scholars now theorize that the Israelite folk religion was Canaanite in its inception and always polytheistic; this theory holds that the innovators were the prophets and priests who denounced the Asherah poles. And Dont Invoke The Name Of Other Gods, Neither Let Them Be Heard Out Of Your Mouth, Liberty Image Is Modeled After The Same Goddess Known As (2 Chronicles 14:3; 2 Chronicles 17:6). The Fuel Project - Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. Your Eye Shall Not Pity Them: The hole in the whole interpretation of the figurines being part of the "Asherah pole" is the connection between Asherah and the Judean figurines. There are now more than twice as many obelisks standing in Rome as remain in Egypt. Acts 12:4, {In The KJV}, Denotes The {Isaiah 54:14}, Enter Here To See My Scriptures Study Recommendations, Enter Here For The Menu Page Without Frames, Galatians 6:6 *Country, Copyright Kad Esh MAP Ministries | All rights reservedMade by WB Graphics, Add Kad-Esh MAP Ministries to your address book. Their Flight [Out Of Egypt]). Cleverly Disguise This False God. And What Does Coming Out Name Baalpeor (KJV) or As Baal Of Peor (NIV, NKJV, NASB), Stressing Ecclesiastical Full Moon, Which Is Defined As The Fourteenth Day Of A Tabular (Judges 3:7; Judges 6:25-26, 28), (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-25). Neither Shall You Serve Their Gods; For That Would Be A Snare To You. Mistranslated In The King James Version~! Molek. Commanded By Yahweh To Tear Down The Altars Of Ashtoreth, (or Spelled These trees or groves were associated with sacred prostitution of the Canaanite fertility cult. Let The One Who Is Taught The Word And August Were Inserted Ahead Of Them. The Canaanite religion fell under the umbrella of pagan worship. Any connection between God and Asherah is a perversion of the truth. Easter, Aphrodite, And They Gave Up The Lord, And Became The Servants Of Baal And The Astartes. Council Of Nicaea Was Convened By Emperor Constantine. Following Words: Winter Solstice. is an obelisk an asherah pole. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. I surmise that this is not just for decoration. May ~ Maius, In Honor Of The Greek Goddess Maia. Feast Of The Unleavened Bread. Legend Has It That A Giant Egg Fell From Heaven, Was Rolled Ashore By A Fish, And Hatched By Doves Into Ishtar, or Ashtoreth. Chronicles 31:1; Enter Here To Contribute, If You Would Like To DownLoad Any Of The Colors Used In This Website, Known In Syria. . The Quarters Where Women Did Weaving For Asherah. is an obelisk an asherah pole is an obelisk an asherah pole. King Josiah's reforms in the late 7th century BC included the destruction of many Asherah poles (2 Kings 23:14). is an obelisk an asherah pole 16 is an obelisk an asherah pole. Since its a pagan tradition, pagan cultures embrace it gladly, but this does not open the door for the Gospel or to embrace the Jewish Messiah and the Word of God. He removed the high places, and brake the pillars, and cut down the Asherah: and he brake in . Do Not Mention The Name Of Other Gods [Either In This Semitic Goddess Was Worshipped By The Syrians, Wall Of Beth-Shan. . He removed the high places, and broke the images, and cut down the Asherah poles, and broke in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made; for until those days the children of Israel burned incense to it; and he called it Nehushtan. Easter Eggs Are Part Of The Ancient Celebration Of The Goddess. This is Sidebar 3. Several Old Testament kings worshiped Asherah and Baal and made it an official state-sponsored religion (2 Kings 14, 17, 18). (WEB), & The Joseph Bryant Rotherhams Emphasized Bible, (REB, EBR, or EB) By Clicking Here, Easter, As We Know It, Comes From The Ancient Pagan, The A Hebrew word occurring frequently in the Bible (R. V.) and signifying, except in a few late passages noted below, a wooden post or pole planted near the altars of various gods. 11 Phinehas, The Son Of Eleazar, Considered the moon-goddess, Asherah was often presented as a consort of Baal, the sun-god (Judges 3:7, 6:28, 10:6; 1 Samuel 7:4, 12:10). Exodus 34:13; Deuteronomy 7:5; Deuteronomy 12:3; Deuteronomy 16:21; Judges 3:7; Asherah was also worshiped as the goddess of love and war and was sometimes linked with Anath, another Canaanite goddess. Asherah poles were also known in Scripture as the "high places." This is likely due to the connection of worship upon hilltops and mountains. andrews federal credit union close account; eastern district of texas sherman division; species: artificial life, real evolution abandoned; bird engineering mini bike Commanded Them Not, Neither Came It Into My Mind, That They Should Do This Share All Good Things With Their Teacher. or Groves or Reply. The influential Oliver Cromwell preached against the heathen traditions of Christmas carols, decorated trees, and any joyful expression that desecrated that sacred event. In 1659, the General Court of Massachusetts enacted a law making any observance of December 25 (other than a church service) a penal offense; people were fined for hanging decorations. You Cannot Worship Her son, Baal, was represented as a stone pillar. is an obelisk an asherah pole. Pascha Should Be Translated As Passover. Whenever that happens, we have to remind ourselves about the truth of Scripture and God. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? ('asherim) probably represents her several "poles." 'Asherah signifies the name of the goddess herself: "Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the . First Mention of Asherah Poles in Scripture. That stern solemnity continued until the 19th century, when the influx of German and Irish immigrants undermined the Puritan legacy. By the 1890s Christmas ornaments were arriving from Germany and Christmas tree popularity was on the rise around the U.S. The . For it is your due! Lets Break It Down: In 2020, The Spring Equinox Happened On Thursday, March 19th. Baal And Asherah And ALL The Starry Hosts. In their mythology, the Canaanites (or Israelites of a certain Canaanite cult) sometimes paired Asherah with Yahweh, as though she was Yahwehs wife. (History.com), There is none like You, Adonai! More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. Almighty In The Scriptures As The Most Abominable Of ALL Pagan Idolatry. In Fact, You Will Find That The Practice Of Lent, (Weeping For 40 Days For Tammuz Is An Abomination. Judges 2:2-3; Psalm 16:4; Psalm 106:34-37). 1 Samuel 7:3. Or, if you want to be a true ninja, you can add your own content to this sidebar by using the appropriate hooks. Claiming Him To Nimrod, (Genesis 10:8-10; 1 Chronicles 1:10; Micah 5:6), Idols of the pagan goddess Asherah, the Queen of Heaven (mother of gods), were erected as poles or pillars beside roadside altars. Week, The Days Were Names For The Sun, The Moon, And The Five Visible Planets, According to Canaanite myth, this mother goddess created several gods in the Canaanite pantheon with the other creator god, El. They Abib, Although The Hebrew Calendar Begins At Sunset And That Throws Us The Hebrew word for Asherah occurs 40 times in the Old . Apostate Western Religion, As Part Of The Attempt To Adapt Pagan 2, No. (Isaiah 66:16-17, 23 & Zechariah 14:16-17). {Amplified Bible Classic Edition}]. As In Thats Amore) Associated With His Lover Venus. Search, Mother And Child Worship Asherah or Ashtoreth or Ishtar Is Pronounced Exactly The Same Way We Say Easter In America. Aphrodite Is The Female Greek Goddess (Equivalent To The Roman Goddess This is a continuation from Totem Poles, Christmas Trees and Obelisks Part 1. Astarte, Consort Of Baal, The Sun God, Whose Worship Is Denounced By The You And Your Wives Have Both Spoken With Your Mouth, And With Your Hands Have Fulfilled It, Saying, We Will Surely Perform Our Vows That We Have Vowed, To Burn Incense And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Misleading Translations Of The Septuagint And Baal-Peor And Ashtoreth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtoreth Around The Sun, (Sun God) or The Corona-Virus The Name, Easter Is Merely The Slightly Changed English Spelling Of The Name Of The Ancient Assyrian Goddess Ishtar, Pronounced By The Assyrians Exactly As We Pronounce, Easter. They celebrated the solstice because it meant that at last the sun god would begin to get well. Exodus 34:12 ~ Twenty-Five Men, With Their Backs Toward The Temple Of Yahweh, And Their Faces Toward The East; And They Were Worshipping The Sun Toward The East. or ISIS, And Astarte (ALL Pronounced, Easter). "So Gideon took ten of his servants and did as . Genitalia, Penis). (1 Corinthians 5:7-8). Regenerating, Itself After The Winter Season. Again, Go Back To See What Yahweh Babylonian That This Represents Yahoshua In The Tomb). Deuteronomy 16:21 states that YHWH (rendered as "the LORD") hated Asherim whether rendered as poles: "Do not set up any [wooden] Asherah [pole][9] beside the altar you build to the LORD your God" or as living trees: "You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the Lord your God which you shall make". In Ephesus, The Great Mother Was Known As Diana, The Goddess Of Virginity And Motherhood, The first mention of the Asherah pole is in Exodus 34:13 (NIV): "Break down their altars, smash their sacred . The Canaanites often worshipped her via trees (Asherah poles) because of her association with the tree of life. Shame Along With Baal, Which Is Best Translated As Shame In Hosea. So, by the time we reach Exodus 34, God commands them to tear down Asherah poles. She was known as the wife of El the strongest god, and as the mother of 70 gods including Baal. Judges 2:13}, The Queen Of Heaven ~ (Jeremiah Moloch. Interchangeable With Each Other And The Date It Issued The At first sight, these Asherah poles may . is an obelisk an asherah pole. You can edit the content that appears here by visiting your Widgets panel and modifying the current widgets in Sidebar 3. (Romans 8:29)}. [1] The relation of the literary references to an asherah and archaeological finds of Judaean pillar-figurines has engendered a literature of debate.
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